
Rachel Goldberg

As a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), Rachel integrates her devotion to energetic health with intuitive pattern recognition skills and iPEC coaching tools to facilitate attitudinal awareness for her clients. Creating a safe space for her clients to withdraw from external pressures and witness their patterns without judgment, Rachel’s coaching practice empowers her clients to radically accept what currently is, while making clear focused decisions for moving forward. Working as a team, Rachel supports her clients in designing and achieving goals born from their authentic spirits. 

Rachel hired her first Energy Leadership coach in 2013, who introduced her to Emotional Intelligence as a key trait of an effective and regenerative leader. This knowledge inspired an extensive exploration into the energetics of leadership. After four years of applying her leadership studies in the workplace, Rachel decided to leave her corporate career to embark on a journey to help other sensitive and creative souls uncover the self-propelled leader from within. 

Rachel’s greatest passion is cultivating intimate connection through ceremony. Connection between self and spirit, humanity and nature, and most of all, unconditionally loving and accepting connection between people. She believes the art of ceremony is one of the most potent ways to create a sacred space in which each soul feels seen, heart, and witnessed. A space in which to surrender to vulnerability and expression. After having developed a personal ceremonial practice with cacao as her guide in 2018, Rachel is honored to spread this heart-opening medicine to the western world. To foster and nurture intimacy among those called to take the journey. To hold space as we drop from the busy and guarded head space into the raw and open heart space. 


Dustin Rosata