Lily is here to serve the collective by channeling universal life force energy through sacred sound, conscious facilitation, and self transformational work. They believe that transforming the world starts by transforming oneself- that the revolution starts within, naturally transcending to our relationships and our community. Lily hopes to share offerings of love, connection, and truth through their creative expression and open hearted inclusive leadership. Practices of compassion, surrender, somatic mindfulness, breathwork, fear to love transmutation, ceremony, ancient wisdom, and conscious communication have all brought Lily to where they are today.

They currently work at an expressive arts therapy studio while studying holistic approaches to healing and buddhist traditions to become a therapist. Lily has also acted in roles as a permaculture, mindfulness, yoga, and music teacher for kida, kirtan and ecstatic dance facilitator, and sustainable community cultivator. They are most enlivened when connecting to mama gaia in nature, participating in ceremony, co-creating, and rewilding through movement and sound.

Check out their most recent music collaboration ‘Higher Power,’ a message to step into your soul’s fullest expression and embodiment while in the transition into this new earth and paradigm

Lily is so stoked to join you in community in ushering in this collective vision for healing, earth regeneration, and love together. 


Lawanda Monique