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The Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

To say we are grateful for Artifakt Supply is an understatement. Grateful, humbled, honored. To have a venue in which to host sacred space at no charge to our guests is a rare opportunity. Thank you for the trust and belief in our vision. 🙏

Since its inception at the Creative Zone in Boston in July 2019, Wellness Wednesday has been a free and/or donation-based event. Purely in service to the community. Our muse.

While we embraced the shift to the virtual space last year, turning our living rooms into yoga studios, we missed the in-person connection.

Which is why we are delighted to announce this next iteration of Wellness Wednesday. An in-person/virtual hybrid.

We’ve expanded our devotion to wellness as well to include Spiritual & Creative health, which is how the Artist’s Way Creative Cluster materialized. Once a vision through our third eyes, now a rooted reality.

Join us tomorrow as we host the first official meeting of the Creative Cluster.

And if you are not local to New England, we’ll also be streaming the event live on Twitch. All are welcome to join.

We are also open to seeing how this weekly event shape shifts. If you aren’t up for reading the book, but you’d like to come chill on the couch at Artifakt and just BE, maybe draw or write surrounded by creative energy, you are more than welcome to do so.

And if the group decides yoga is calling, Chris is more than happy to offer some mellow flow vibes after circle/book club discussion.

We’ll also bring a thermos of ceremonial cacao from Kakao Drinking Chocolate to assist us into the heart space where creativity knows no fear. Only love. 💚 If the cacao calls to you, we do ask that you bring your own mug and a $5 donation.

Also, while the book club aspect offers structure, know that there is no ahead or behind. We’ll be discussing Week 1 tomorrow, though you are welcome to jump in the wave at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Looking forward to circling up with you tomorrow!

November 16

The Artist’s Way Launch Party

November 30

The Artist's Way Creative Cluster Week #3